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Layer: Proposed zone changes Recreation and open space (ID: 10)

Name: Proposed zone changes Recreation and open space

Display Field: FEAT_NAME

Type: Feature Layer

Geometry Type: esriGeometryPolygon

Description: Zone Map - Version Effective 29 January 2020Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme dataset maps the Landuse Zones of the MBRC Planning Scheme. This dataset was created using the land parcels supplied from the Digital Cadastre Database (DCDB) from the State of Queensland. The Zones were initially assigned from the Strategic Framework Place Types in 2012 then refined continuously throughout 2013 and 2014 in several documented (qA828870, qA774778) revisions.The Zone Categories are derived from the Queensland Planning Provisions (QPP) Guidelines Ver 4: The MBRC Planning Scheme uses Level 1 Zones, refer to LVL1_ZONE attribute column.IMPORTANT NOTE: To maintain data integrity of the Zones into the future with the potential for future flood model updates altering the extent of Limited Development Zone there is a need to maintain TWO Zone datasets, one with LDZ (shown on the Public Maps) and one without LDZ (Master Zones dataset to which LDZ get applied during flood model updates) the master zones dataset is called MAINT_Zones_NoLDZ_MMMYYYY and is the point of truth of which all the other Zone map datasets are derived from.Many lots (>200) have been split manually where they are in more than one zone or precinct. Many more (>3000) lots are split by having a portion zoned as Limited Devlopment Zone (LDZ). Incidences where lots are split zoned are recorded in attribute column PAR_SPLIT with one of the following values:0 indicates regular zoned lots1 indicates a manualy split zoned parcel where lot may be in two different zones or two different precincts2 indicates lots automatically split during by the partial allocation of LDZ to the lot3 indicates lots that have been manually split and further also have been partially assigned LDZCaboolture West has many manually split lots because of lots being split into different local plan precincts. Lots that are partially in an Agriculture Precinct are not physically Split, instead they have a ZONE_PREC of ‘Agriculture - partial’. Limited Development Zone (LDZ) gets applied using a geoprocessing model (A12875434) the general rules surrounding LDZ are documented here (A11843731) important emails documenting creation of LDZ as well as quite a good illustrative powerpoint presentation are saved here (fA405440) some background stats and maps around LDZ are saved here (fA442453). For further information also see the Metadata for Flood Hazard and Storm Tide Overlays.Precinct Changes- When changing precincts, the attributes must be updated in MAINT_Zones_NoLDZ_MMMYYYY and ZM_Zones, further any flow-on effects must be observed such as potential changes to Building Heights Overlay, Place Types, or Rural Residential Lot Sizes Overlay.Zone Changes- When changing Zones, the attributes must be updated in MAINT_Zones_NoLDZ_MMMYYYY and ZM_Zones, further any flow-on effects must be observed such as potential changes to Building Heights Overlay, Place Types, or Rural Residential Lot Sizes Overlay.DCDB Updates- Periodically the Zones will be transferred the the most recent Digital Cadastre Database supplied by the State Government. This process involves a few steps and care must be taken to maintain the integrity of the Zones dataset during this process. This update also involves the identification of new parks created as part of a subdivision and the re-zoning of these to Open Space. Procedure documented here (A11843746) an example of potential new parks identified in this process is shown here (A12808141) which is supplied to SPD for manual review to determine if zone should change to Open Space. During the DCDB update process attention should be paid also to the Building heights, Rural Residential RAL and Community activities and neighbourhood hubs Overlays (which are based on DCDB and also respond to Zone Changes).Precincts and Local Plan Precincts are derived from this Zones Dataset, refer to their metadata for more information.Occasionally, for internal use mapping, when it is not practical to label the precincts and it is necessary to be able to differentiate between Urban and Suburban etc.. It is possible to symbolise by Precinct rather than Zones using ZONE_PREC attribute field.Scheme Amendments:Minor Scheme Amendment 1 effective 20 June 2016 - Updating Zones to align with May 2016 DCDB and take into account any new park dedications including Zone change documented in (qA1303083).Tailored Amendment No.1 2019 effective 29 January 2020 - change documented in A19133874=======================================================Standard Overlay Attribute Fields have been added as part of the Queensland Planning Provisions Guidelines Ver 4: Number 4 Based on cadastre supplied by DNRMLP String 80 Local planLP_PREC String 80 Local plan precinctZONE_PREC String 80 Zone precinctLVL1_ZONE String 80 Mandatory Level 1 standard suite of zone namesLVL2_ZONE String 80 Mandatory Level 2 standard suite of zone namesLOT_PLAN String 15 Parcel lot plan ID from DNRM cadastre (e.g. 30RP905102)GAZ_DATE Date Gazettal date of the planning schemeAMD_DATE Date Gazetted amendment date of the planning schemeCAD_VER Date Date of the cadastral version used for scheme creationPAR_SPLIT Number flag for split parcel geometry due to zones,precincts or local plans.

Copyright Text: Moreton Bay Regional Council 2016. For information and updates, planning scheme amendments or other planning related enquires contact MBRC Strategic Planning ( For technical enquires regarding the Spatial Data contact MBRC GIS (

Default Visibility: false

MaxRecordCount: 2000

Supported Query Formats: JSON, geoJSON, PBF

Min Scale: 0

Max Scale: 0

Supports Advanced Queries: true

Supports Statistics: true

Has Labels: false

Can Modify Layer: true

Can Scale Symbols: false

Use Standardized Queries: true

Supports Datum Transformation: true

Drawing Info: Advanced Query Capabilities:
HasZ: false

HasM: false

Has Attachments: false

HTML Popup Type: esriServerHTMLPopupTypeAsHTMLText

Type ID Field: null

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