Copyright Text: Moreton Bay Regional Council 2013. For information and updates, planning scheme amendments or other planning related enquires contact MBRC Strategic Planning ( For technical enquires regarding the Spatial Data contact MBRC GIS (
Description: Priority Infrastructure Area (PIA)Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme - Priority Infrastructure Area was developed with Integrated Infrastructure Planning (IIP) Consultants Kylie and Kevin Grimley. The following revised (Dec2014) rules were used as a base for mapping extent of PIA:To be in PIP Sewerage Service Catchments of former Caboolture, Pine Rivers and Redcliffe councils To only include the following place types from Strategic Framework layer (about July 2012):Rural Townships;Suburban Neighbourhood;Next Generation Neighbourhood;Urban Neighbourhood;Activity Centre;Enterprise and employment area; andCoastal villages;To only include the following zoning under current draft Planning Scheme (November 2014)Centre Zone;Community Facilities Zone (where adjacent to other zones mentioned in this list);General Residential Zone;Industry Zone; andTownship ZoneTo include any Open Space or Community Facilities Zoned land that is surrounded by above Zones.To exclude areas currently under an Infrastructure AgreementThe Draft PIA was visually reviewed by both Kevin Grimley and Paul Gleeson in Dec 2014.For more information on Infrastructure Planning refer to website:
Copyright Text: Moreton Bay Regional Council 2015. For information and updates, planning scheme amendments or other planning related enquires contact MBRC Strategic Planning ( For technical enquires regarding the Spatial Data contact MBRC GIS (
Description: Dataset 1 of 2 - Regulartory Boundary Version- Effective 29 January 2020 (Tailored Amendment No.1 2019 - Change Document A19133874)The Economic Development Act 2012 provides for a streamlined planning and development framework for PDAs to facilitate economic development, and development for community purposes.The Mill at Moreton Bay PDA boundary and regulatory mapOnce a site is declared under the Economic Development Act 2012, a development scheme for the PDA must be prepared. Until the development scheme is finalised, development within the PDA will be regulated under the Interim Land Use Plan (ILUP). (Refer to dataset 2 - PDA Precincts)The Mill at Moreton Bay PDA Interim Land Use PlanFor Further Information about The Mill at Moreton Bay PDA refer to respective State and Council Web Sites:
Copyright Text: Moreton Bay Regional Council 2016. For information and updates, planning scheme amendments or other planning related enquires contact MBRC Strategic Planning ( For technical enquires regarding the Spatial Data contact MBRC GIS (
Description: North Lakes Mask - For Masking out non applicable content in the Northlakes Development Control Plan Area.Moreton Bay Regional Council Planning Scheme Dataset is used to 'Mask Out' the North Lakes area which is Not Subject to the MBRC Planning Scheme. This dataset is used for several of the overlay maps as the complete dataset often includes information for the North Lakes area, for example Overland Flow Flood has been modelled for this area, however for the purposes of the Overlay Mapping it is not to be shown, so the mask is used.The Mask is to be labelled "North Lakes - Refer to Part 10.1"This Mask is to be used for all overlay maps except for the following:Erosion prone area - North Lakes is unaffectedCoastal hazard (storm tide) - North Lakes is unaffectedExtractive Industry - North Lakes is unaffectedRural residential lot sizes - North Lakes is unaffectedScenic amenity - North Lakes is unaffectedStormwater catchments - Informational nature of overlay, masking not necessaryTransport noise corridor - Informational nature of overlay, masking not necessaryIt is prefferable to mask rather than to remove mapping from the North Lakes area. Masking allows the dataset to remain intact, keeping the data intact prevents the risk of assuming physical values and constraints do not exist in North Lakes as they may. Values and constraints may be important for regional scale mapping or other planning projects which need to look at features even in North Lakes from a contextual perspective. For example to remove roads from Road Hierarchy Overlay simply because they exist in North Lakes will compromise network planning as it leaves large gaps in the road network.Further if North lakes does get incorporated in the MBRC Planning Scheme at some time in future, in many cases the only change required will be the removal of the mask, relevant Overlay mapping datasets such as Bushfire Hazard, Overland Flow etc.. will show up as required without further edits required.This maps the extent of the North Lakes Development Control Plan (PDF).For further information see refer to the Precinct & Sector Plans for North Lakes:
Copyright Text: Moreton Bay Regional Council 2014. For information and updates, planning scheme amendments or other planning related enquires contact MBRC Strategic Planning ( For technical enquires regarding the Spatial Data contact MBRC GIS (