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Legend (AGOL/SupercededRedPlanning)

Redcliffe PIA (1)
PIA Boundary PIA Boundary
Future Parks (3)
Park - Future Embellishment Park - Future Embellishment
Recreational Open Space (4)
District Sporting Facility District Sporting Facility
Local Sporting Facility Local Sporting Facility
Regional Sporting Facility Regional Sporting Facility
CityPark CityPark
District Park District Park
Foreshore Park Foreshore Park
Linkage Park Linkage Park
Local Park Local Park
Neighbourhood Park Neighbourhood Park
Future Stormwater Points (6)
Bioretention Basin Bioretention Basin
Trash Rack Trash Rack
Wetland Wetland
Future Stormwater Lines (7)
Bioswale Bioswale
Pipe Drainage Pipe Drainage
Revegetation Revegetation
Stormwater Catchments (8)
Stormwater Catchments Stormwater Catchments
Future Intesections (10)
Council Intersection Projects Council Intersection Projects
Future Paths (11)
Future Paths Future Paths
Future Trunk Road Upgrades (12)
Transport Catchments (13)
Trunk Road Catchments Trunk Road Catchments
Future Upgraded Pumpstation (15)
New / Upgraded Pump Station New / Upgraded Pump Station
Sewer_Future_Network (16)
New / Upgraded Sewer Gravity Main New / Upgraded Sewer Gravity Main
New / Upgraded Sewer Rising Main New / Upgraded Sewer Rising Main
WWTP (17)
Waste Water Treatment Plant Waste Water Treatment Plant
Sewer Catchments (18)
Sewer Sub System Boundary Sewer Sub System Boundary
Not Serviced by Sewerage Network (19)
Future Water (text) (21)
Reservoir Pumpstation (22)
Reservoir Complex Reservoir Complex
Pumping Station Pumping Station
Existing Trunk Main (23)
Existing Water Mains Existing Water Mains
Existing Potable Water Mains (24)
Existing Potable Water Network Existing Potable Water Network
Water Catchments (25)
Water Supply Catchments Water Supply Catchments
OC01 Biodiversity Value (27)
Local or Other Values Local or Other Values
Regional Regional
State State
Geotechnical Constraints (29)
Erosion Prone Areas (30)
Drainage Problem Areas (32)
Saltwater Ck Q100 30m Buff (33)
Saltwater Ck Q100 (34)
Bells Ck Q100 30m Buffer (35)
Bells Ck Q100 (36)
HAT 1.3m AHD (38)
HAT 100m Buffer (39)
Fish Habitat Areas (40)
OC05 Acid Suplhate Soils (41)
Area 1 - below 5m AHD Area 1 - below 5m AHD
Area 2 - 5 to 20m AHD Area 2 - 5 to 20m AHD
Ramsar Wetlands (43)
Ramsar Wetlands 100m Buffer (44)
Saltwater Ck Catchment (46)
HAT (47)
HAT 30m Buffer (48)
OC08 Cultural Heritage (49)
Cultural Heritage Sites Cultural Heritage Sites
ANEF 2012 Contours (51)
Flight Path (52)
OC10 Aerodrome Building Heights (53)
0-5 0-5
10-15 10-15
15-20 15-20
20-25 20-25
25-30 25-30
30-35 30-35
35-40 35-40
40-45 40-45
45-50 45-50
5-10 5-10
50-55 50-55
55-60 55-60
60-65 60-65
65-70 65-70
70-75 70-75
75-80 75-80
80-85 80-85
85-90 85-90
90-95 90-95
95-100 95-100
OC11 Brisbane Airport (54)
Obstacle Limitiation Surface Obstacle Limitiation Surface
Building Heights Map (55)
8.5 8.5
12 12
15 15
21 21
27 27
39 39
Community Designation (57)
See Schedule 3 For Full details See Schedule 3 For Full details
Employment Nodes (58)
Preffered Use Areas (59)
Urban Villages (60)
Scarborough Harbour Preffered Use (61)
Dredged Materials Rehandling Dredged Materials Rehandling
Transport Infrastructure Transport Infrastructure
Conservation/Buffers Conservation/Buffers
Parkland and Recreation Parkland and Recreation
Marina Operations - Dry Marina Operations - Dry
Marina Operations - Wet Marina Operations - Wet
Public Boat Ramp and Boat Trailer Parking Public Boat Ramp and Boat Trailer Parking
Commercial Uses and Ancillary Services Commercial Uses and Ancillary Services
Zones (62)
Low Density Residential Zone Low Density Residential Zone
Mixed Residential Zone Mixed Residential Zone
Medium Density Residential Zone Medium Density Residential Zone
Retail Core Zone Retail Core Zone
Frame Business Zone Frame Business Zone
Industry Zone Industry Zone
Health Services Zone Health Services Zone
Community Purposes Zone Community Purposes Zone
Open Space and Recreation Zone Open Space and Recreation Zone
Natural Values Zone Natural Values Zone
Harbour Purposes Zone Harbour Purposes Zone