Emerging Community Areas (0)
MLES_Excluding_MSES (3)
MLES_Within_Flood_Corridor (4)
MLES_Within_green_Corridor (5)
MSES_Within_Flood_Corridor (6)
MSES_Within_Green_Corridor (7)
Environmental Corridors (8)
Environmental Areas (MSES) (9)
MSES - High ecological value waters (wetland) (11)
MSES - ’High Ecological Significance’ wetlands (12)
MSES - Wildlife habitat (13)
MSES - Regulated vegetation (14)
MSES - Protected area (15)
MSES - Declared fish habitat area (16)
MSES - Marine park (17)
MSES - Legally secured offset area (18)
BPA within MLES (19)
Shorebirds within MLES (20)
Local Plan Green Networks within MLES (21)
HV Regrowth within MLES (22)
AES within MLES (23)
VMA Rem Veg_v8 within MLES (24)
WMA Wetlands within MLES (25)
Nature Refuges within MLES (26)
Zone - Environmental management and conservation (27)
Manual Edits Contributing to MLES (28)
MLES Wetland - Ramsar (29)
MSES Koala Offsets (Within Overlay) (30)
Hight Value Bushland (32)
| HV Bushland |
Medium Value Bushland (33)
| MV Bushland |
Low Value Bushland (34)
| LV Bushland |
Hight Value Rehab (35)
| HV Rehab |
Medium Value Rehab (36)
| MV Rehab |
Low Value Rehab (37)
| LV Rehab |
VMA Essential Habitat v4.9 (Sep 2014) (39)
SPRP Koala Bushland and High Medium Rehab (40)
| High Value Bushland |
| Medium Value Bushland |
| Low Value Bushland |
| High Value Rehabilitation |
| Medium Value Rehabilitation |
Vegetation management - regulated vegetation management map - version 1.27 (41)
| <all other values> |
| Category A area |
| Category B area |
| Category C area |
| Category R area |
| Category X area |
| Water |
| Area not categorised |
VMA Remnant Vegetation v8.0 (Regional Ecosystem) (42)
| Endangered - Dominant |
| Endangered - Sub-dominant |
| Of Concern - Dominant |
| Of Concern - Sub-dominant |
| Not Of Concern |
Biodiversity Significance (BPA v3.5) (43)
| State Habitat for EVR taxa |
| State |
| Regional |
| Local or Other Values |